. 4 medium potatoes

. 1 cup of cream flour

. 1 big onion

. 1 green chilli (chopped)

. 1/2 tsp of tumeric powder

. 1 tsp of cumin seeds

. 1 tsp of salt

. 1 tsp of chopped corriander

. 1 egg

. 2 tbs of water

. 3 cups of oil

(portion of 20)


step 01:

Put all the ingredients into a medium 

size bowl and mix

step 2:

Heat the frying oil in the frying pan, and 

while it is heating, shape the mixture into 

the shape you want them to be

step 3:

Next put 10 of the pakoras into the 

pan until they are golden brown, then put 

in other batch and do the same. They are 

ready to serv 
